# Migrating to v1

One of the big goal of v1 is to bring fully bring a stable release of Pioneer with all the features and changes added in the past year, and allow Pioneer to be more customisable, and more compatible with more server-side Swift frameworks and libraries.

# Decoupling from Vapor

Pioneer also now no longer a Vapor-only library and exposes more of its internal functions, structs, protocols, and classes which will allow integrations with other web frameworks.

# Middleware

Pioneer will no longer add routes to a Vapor Application with the .applyMiddleware function.

Instead, Pioneer will have a Vapor integration module that extends Pioneer with VaporGraphQLMiddleware which can be use like a regular Vapor middleware.

let app = try Application(.detect())

let server = Pioneer(
	schema: schema,
	resolver: resolver

let app = try Application(.detect())

let server = Pioneer(
	schema: schema,
	resolver: resolver

server.applyMiddleware(on: app)

# Context Builder

Alongside being a middleware, all context builder and guard functions are passed into the middleware instead of directly to Pioneer. This allow Pioneer be decoupled from Vapor but still allow integration with Vapor's Request and Response in the context builder.

let server = Pioneer(
	schema: schema,
	resolver: resolver

		context: { req, res in
		websocketContext: { req, payload, gql in
let server = Pioneer(
	schema: schema,
	resolver: resolver,
	contextBuilder: { req, res in 
	websocketContextBuilder: { req, params, gql in 

server.applyMiddleware(on: app)

# WebSocket Guard

Pioneer now properly implement a WebSocket initialisation guard, which will fire for each new GraphQL over WebSocket connection that initialise properly. This allow user configured authorization of each WebSocket connection.

let server = Pioneer(
    schema: schema,
    resolver: resolver

        context: { req, res in
        websocketContext: { req, payload, gql in
        websocketGuard: { req, payload in

# Same path for all

Pioneer v0 uses 3 different paths for GraphQL over HTTP, GraphQL over WebSocket, and GraphQL IDE hosting.

In v1, Pioneer will use the same path for all of those, and will instead determine from the request whether is a GraphQL over HTTP request, a GraphQL over WebSocket upgrade request, or a GraphQL IDE request.

# Standalone server

Pioneer will also now include option to run standalone.

let server = Pioneer(
    schema: schema,
    resolver: resolver

try server.standaloneServer(
    context: { req, res in
    websocketContext: { req, payload, gql in
    websocketGuard: { req, payload in

# Other changes

# New defaults

Pioneer will now defaults to

# WebSocket callbacks

Some WebSocket callbacks are now exposed as functions in Pioneer. These can be used to add a custom WebSocket layer.

# Pioneer capabilities

Some other capabilities of Pioneer is now exposed:

# ConnectionParams to Payload

The type ConnectionParams is renamed to Payload

typealias Payload = [String: Map]?

# Brief summary

These are simplified list of things that changed

Added or improved

  • Vapor integration module
  • Vapor GraphQL middleware using Pioneer
  • Manually HTTP operation, IDE service, WebSocket upgrade, and WebSocket callbacks
  • Manually perform CSRF vulnerability checks and HTTP Strategy check
  • Uses 1 path for all types of operations
  • Open opportunity for other web framework integrations
  • Changed defaults to .csrfPrevention for HTTP strategy, .graphqlWs for WebSocket protocol, and .sandbox for GraphQL IDE.


  • For Vapor integration, must be applied as a middleware at Application level (no nesting)
  • Removed Configuration