# Schema

This section is going to be specific to the GraphQL schema library you are using. In this case, we are using Graphiti and for the most part, Pioneer has no impact on the schema building process beside adding a few extensions to existing data structures.

I am going to ignore the error handling portion and assume the schema will be constructed with no errors. Obviously, feel free to change this and add your error handling logic if necessary.

# Graphiti

import Pioneer
import Graphiti

let schema = try! Schema<Resolver, Context> {

    Type(User.self) {
        Field("id", at: \._id) // Use the `_id` to utilize the ID Scalar
        Field("username", at: \.username)
        Field("email", at: \.email)
        Field("bio", at: \.bio)

        // Computed properties
        Field("displayName", at: \.displayName)

        // Computed properties with custom resolver (for relationship)
        Field("friends", at: User.friends, as: [TypeReference<User>].self)

    Input(UserInput.self) {
        InputField("username", at: \.username)
        InputField("email", at: \.email)

        // Default value from GraphQL
        InputField("bio", at: \.bio)

        // Same here
        InputField("friendIDs", at: \.friendIDs)

    Query {
        Field("users", at: Resolver.users)
        Field("user", at: Resolver.user) {
            Argument("id", at: \.id)

    Mutation {
        Field("create", at: Resolver.create) {
            Argument("user", at: \.user)
        Field("update", at: Resolver.update) {
            Argument("id", at: \.id)
            Argument("user", at: \.user)
        Field("delete", at: Resolver.delete) {
            Argument("id", at: \.id)

    Subscription {
        // Subscription field using the EventStream
        SubscriptionField("onChange", as: User.self, atSub: Resolver.onChange)
type User {
  id: ID!
  username: String
  email: String!
  bio: String!
  displayName: String!
  friends: [User!]!

input UserInput {
  username: String
  email: String!
  bio: String! = ""
  friendIDs: [ID!]! = []

type Query {
  users: [User!]!
  user(id: ID!): User

type Mutation {
  create(user: UserInput!): User!
  update(id: ID!, user: UserInput!): User
  delete(id: ID!): User

type Subscription {
  onChange: User!